Risks of unregistered trademark protection

No exclusive right to use the trademark

The Trademark Law only protects the exclusive rights of registered trademarks. Unregistered trademarks are not protected and anyone can use them.

There is a risk of being preempted

The principle of first-come-first-served sample application for trademark registration means that if others take the opportunity to register a trademark, the exclusive right to the trademark will be infringed.

Prone to infringement

Once the trademark is registered by someone else, if the original company continues to use the trademark for promotion without knowing it, it will constitute infringement.

Brand image is damaged

If other companies use the same trademark and have quality issues, it will damage your brand image.

Cause economic losses

Whether a trademark is maliciously registered or a large number of inferior products flood the market, companies have only two choices: either pay a high "ransom" or give up the right to use the trademark, both of which will cause huge economic losses.

Information required for trademark registration

  • Apply in the name of the company, and attach a copy of the business license;
  • Apply in your own name, with a copy of your ID card or passport. (You must have a business license for an individual business and the business scope of the license must be consistent with the registered trademark category)
List the goods or services for which registration is sought and indicate the trademark class. 5cm x 5cm, maximum size 10cm x 20cm;
“Trademark Registration Authorization Letter”, provided by our company, used to entrust a trademark agency to handle trademark registration business

Frequently asked questions

1. Trademark registration power of attorney and application form (for trademark registration business of agency, trademark registration power of attorney and application form can be automatically generated on the website).
2. Applicant qualification certification materials:
① Apply in the name of a company, attach a copy of the business license;
② Apply in the name of an individual, attach a copy of the ID card or passport and the individual business license.
3. Trademark pattern: Trademark pattern (JPG format, 400*400-1000*1000 size).
(1) According to the composition of the trademark, it can be divided into word trademark, graphic trademark, and graphic and word combination trademark.
(2) According to the purpose and function of the trademark, it can be divided into product trademark and service trademark.
(3) According to the different owners and users of the trademark, it can be divided into manufacturing trademark, sales trademark, and collective trademark.
(4) According to the motivation of the trademark user for using the trademark, it can be divided into joint trademark, defensive trademark, and certification trademark.
(5) According to the carrier of the trademark, it can be divided into two-dimensional trademark, three-dimensional trademark, sound trademark, smell trademark, etc.
Words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos and color combinations, as well as combinations of the above elements, can all be applied for registration as trademarks.

The validity period of a registered trademark is 10 years. If a registered trademark needs to be continued after its expiration, an application for renewal of registration should be made within one year before the expiration.
If an application is not made during this period, there is a grace period of 6 months. If an application is still not made during the grace period, the Trademark Office will cancel it after the expiration of the grace period.

Our advantages


One-to-one consulting service, quick response to customer needs


More than ten years of professional agency for domestic and foreign trademark registration related business


Trademark consultant, quality inspection manager, and customer triple quality inspection and multiple checks


The trademark registration success rate of intellectual property is as high as 98.3%